Pistachio kernels uk amazon au

Pistachio is one the most delicious and popular nuts that its kernels nowadays is available to order online from many websites like Amazon  , UK and au Pistachio are two kinds of Pistachio  . the source of pistachio was  in  Middle East in different countries such as Iran  , Surya  , Turkmenistan  and Afghanistan  . Now Iran is the biggest supplier of this product  , in 2017 this country produced about six hundred thousand tons of pistachio  . after Iran  , USA is the second country for providing pistachio with almost three hundred thousand and China has the third level with one hundred thousand of producing of pistachio  .

Pistachio is a member of cashew family that in most of people’s idea is the most delicious nut and that’s why it is more expensive than all of them . This product because of its high quality and price is very interesting for businessmen to join the business of it .

Amazon company is one of biggest websites that supplies and sells pistachio in retail and bulk . this company gives various kinds of Pistachio to its customers such as Iranian , American  , Turkish  and etc .

Pistachio kernels UK

UK is one of big importers of pistachio kernels  among European countries  . this country imports most of its pistachio from Iran because Iranian pistachio has the best quality and suitable price  . Ireland  , England  , Germany  and  etc are some of importers of Iranian pistachio  that not only for their internal consumption but they are re export this product to other countries.

In fact establishment of many powerful European commercial companies in UK have made this area a big center for trading Iranian pistachio.

European union is the biggest importer of dried goods  ; this union has about forty percent of world imports of dried fruits  . import volume of dried fruits to Europe is increasing constantly and it will get more and more in the future.

Germany is one of other countries for Importing pistachio among European countries  , this country is the biggest importer of pistachio in Europe and the second in the world after China.

Germany imported about forty two thousand tons pistachio equivalent of three hundred and sixty-five million dollars in 2018  , this advanced country is  the biggest importer of pistachio kernels in Europe  , the amount of its Importing of pistachio kernels was about eleven thousand tons in 2018 equivalent of totally Importing of Europe.

Pistachio kernels UK

Germany import this much pistachio not only for their internal consumption but they re export it to many other countries around the world . right now Germany’s importer is so centralized  , about Ninety five percent of its Importing is from only two countries , these two countries are Iran and USA  , actually Turkey is the only country that is increasing its exporting of pistachio to Germany.

Most of pistachio that Germany is Importing is raw pistachio  , they  after Importing raw pistachio kernels and processing it and arrange it in suitable packages make it ready to re export to other countries.

Pistachio kernels Amazon UK

Amazon is a online grocery store that you can buy whatever you need  , one on thousand products that Amazon gives to its customers is pistachio kernels  . Amazon has more than three hundred and fifty million customers from all of the world  , this  wide  level of costumers has made Amazon to a place that millions of products are trading daily.

Pistachio is one those millions products that many costumers are interested to buy it because of its delicious taste and benefits  .

Amazon sells pistachio and pistachio kernels  as raw and roasted from many grocery stores in different countries  , one of them is Iran that is the biggest supplier of pistachio  , from where this country is the source of pistachio the quality and taste of its pistachio is perfect and many Amazon’s costumers are interested to buy Iranian pistachio.

Iran is the biggest supplier and importer of pistachio in the world  , based on a search in Iran there are about sixty types of Iranian pistachio that some of them are more famous than others and suitable for exporting  .

After Iran that is the has the first level of supplying and exporting of pistachio  USA is the second big supplier of this product in the world , this country is one of big exporters of pistachio  too  . Turkey is the third country , this  country has increased very well for supplying and exporting of pistachio during these years  .

Pistachio kernels Amazon UK


Pistachio kernels au

AU is one big exporters in agricultural products in the world  such as pistachio kernels, this country exports about twenty billion dollars agricultural products annually  . the civilization history of Australia  is less than 300 years but it is a advanced country  with a high level of welfare of living  , this rich country has been a British colony  .

Nowadays agriculture is an important part in the economy of Australia . agriculture in Australia is completely modern and that’s why this country is increasing its level very fast .

One of important agriculture products in Australia is pistachio , the history of pistachio in this beautiful country is not very long  , the life of pistachio plant in this country is less than 30 years but because of its modern technology of agriculture improved very quickly and nowadays is one of main suppliers of pistachio in the world  .

Most of pistachio gardens in Australia are around Murray River , total provide of pistachio in Australia is two thousand tons in a year .

Pistachio kernels au

Australia not only is a big supplier and exporter of pistachio  but this country is one of big importers of this product , this country supplies most of its needs from Iran and USA  .

Iran is one of countries that Australia is very interested to supply pistachio from it and the reason of that is Iranian pistachio has more quality and better taste in comparison with other types of it .

Pistachio kernels Ireland

Ireland is one of European countries that is an importer of pistachio kernels from many countries such as Iran , USA  , Turkey  and etc  . Ireland like many European countries imports pistachio and pistachio kernels in raw and roasted types  .

Many European countries are interested to import Iranian pistachio such as Germany  , Ireland  , Italy  , Spanish  ,  England  ,France  , Belgium and other European countries  .

After Germany which is the biggest importer of pistachio  Italy is one of most important importers of pistachio in Europe  , this country  is the second importer of pistachio kernels in the world after Germany   , this country supplies about thirteen percent of  total Importing of European union  , actually it is hearing that Italy is the biggest user of pistachio by each person in the world  .

The average of Importing pistachio to Italy between 2014 to 2018 has increased about eleven percent annually  . Italy imported about  sixteen thousand tons pistachio equivalent of one hundred and fifty three million Euro  in 2018  . Italy imported most of its needs from USA  ( 35% ) then Germany ( 23% ) and after them Iran (14% )  , Turkey is the  fourth country that is increasing very fast and maybe it will get the third level in near future  .

Pistachio kernels Ireland

The next country in Importing among European countries is Spain  , Spain is the third importer and user of pistachio in Europe . this European country imported about  11/6 thousand tons and used about 11/1 thousand tons in 2018 , almost as of pistachio that is imported to this country  is used inside the country  .

Pistachio kernels Iran

Pistachio is a traditional Iranian nut  , this delicious kind of nuts is divided into about sixty types that we are going to name some of them as the famous types  of Iranian pistachio kernels  .

The most famous Iranian pistachio is Kalleh Ghoochee pistachio that because of its bigness is very famous not only in Iran but in many countries around the world  . the tree of this kind of pistachio has high fruit  and it is very sensitive against drought .

Hazelnut pistachio is one of other kinds of Iranian pistachio that has high quality too . this kind of pistachio is named hazelnut because it is like hazelnut   .

The third type of Iranian pistachio is Badami pistachio  , this kind of pistachio’s form is very similar to almond or badam and that’s why it is called Badam pistachio .Badam pistachio has a dark color and it is so precocious  .

The next kind is Ahmad Aghaie , this type is the newest type of commercial pistachio of Iran and very famous and popular in the world marketing  .

Pistachio kernels Iran

But the last one that is more famous than all of them is Akbari pistachio  , the source of Akbari is for Mashhad , Kerman  , Semnan and  Yazd .  Ahmad Aghaie is trading in internal and international markets  in 18 to 30 sizes .

Pistachio kernels Iranian

As it was mentioned Iranian pistachio kernels is very famous in international market and Iran is the biggest supplier and exporter of this lucrative product and that’s because of its high quality that everyone knows  . Iranian pistachio is exporting to many countries around the world such as India  , China  , Chili  , Dubai  , Qatar  , England  , Japan  , Korea  , South Africa  , France  , Germany  , Canada  , Australia  , Russia  and a lot of other countries  . the most important difference between Iranian pistachio with other types of pistachio such as American and Turkish types is the perfect taste of Iranian pistachio that has made it completely distinct from all of other kinds and that’s why many businessmen of pistachio are interested to do business in Iranian pistachio  . Many of researchers believe that this high quality of Iranian pistachio is only because of weather of Iran and that’s why it is very famous in all of the world  .

Pistachio kernel Japan

Japan is one countries that can not provide pistachio kernel because of its weather and imports its needs from the supplier of this product such as Iran  and USA and turkey  .

Annual many Iranian is exported to Japan but not directly . this country is one of main buyers of Iranian pistachio  . from where the food rules of Japan is so strict this country imports only the closed pistachio because it wants to guard against many viruses that can be imported . Generally the price of Iranian pistachio is very expensive in Japan and that’s because Japan doesn’t import this product directly from Iran and it is Importing from European countries such as Germany  , England  , Greece  and etc  .

Pistachio kernel Japan

Pistachio kernel wholesale UK

Pistachio is one products that we can trade in retail and wholesale  ,  pistachio  is available to buy in two types  :  pistachio  and pistachio kernels  . UK is one of famous supplier of pistachio kernels in Europe union  . nowadays many businessmen are interested to join business of pistachio because they know that the profit of business of this product is very high and that’s  why annual thousand tons of pistachio are providing and trading in around the world and a lot of modern countries are preparing to provide and supply this popular product  .

We are one of thousands companies that are working on this product for more than fifteen years and we are pleasure that now we can provide and supply as much as our customers need  and that’s why our customers from around the world trust us  .

Pistachio kernel wholesale UK

Nowadays we have several offices in several different countries such as Iran  , Surya  ,Georgia  , Dubai  , Qatar  , India  , Cyprus  , Scotland  , Australia  and  Malaysia .

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