Pistachio kernels nutritional facts info

Pistachio kernels are one category of nuts that has many nutritional values that can be enjoyed as a healthy snack or as part of a delicious recipe. The following passage intents to give you some facts and info on this beneficial nuts.

Pistachio are used both raw and without shell in raw, roasted and salty types. If you want to be healthier choose raw pistachios without salt so Roasted nuts are rich in nutritious but some vitamins are destroyed in high heat.

Half of pistachios contains 18 grams carbohydrates and 6 gram of fiber. Research has shown Healthy fat in pistachios can reduce blood sugar. Pistachio contains 30 grams of fat and comparing to other nuts has less fat and eating 42 grams of nuts a day can reduces the risk of heart disease and half of pistachios can provides 13 grams of protein it’s one of the best source protein for everyone and specially vegetarians.

Pistachio green kernels are rich in vitamins, minerals and plant nutrients, also is suitable source of vitamin B6, phosphorus and thiamine and an excellent source of copper.

Pistachio kernels nutrition

Pistachio kernels is one of the most important and stable members of nuts, the amount of potassium of which is high comparing with this small nut. It is rich in nutrition resources for human health; in the continuation of this section we will examine the useful and medicinal benefits of this nut.

Nutritional value of pistachios;

Contains nutrients, such as; carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fats and dietary fiber. Pistachios are also rich in minerals, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, copper and sodium.

These nuts contain essential vitamins, such as C, B6, A, K, thiamine, folate, choline, acid and betaine.

The following sources are available in 100 grams of pistachio kernels; Fat, phosphorus, Iron, starch, water, 20 grams of protein, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B3.

Pistachio belongs to the anacardaceae family. Pistachios are not usually a seasonal nut and are available at all times of the year. This material can be purchased in various forms today. The shell on the nuts usually protects the nuts from physical damage and various other things. On the other hand, salted and sweetened pistachios may not be a good choice for your health because they are high in sodium and sugar. The most ideal method is to consume pistachios naturally and avoid consuming processed pistachios as much as possible.

Pistachio kernels nutrition

These pistachios kernels have many nutrition and benefits for human health. This substance is one of the few nuts that has a lot of nutrients.

 Pistachio kernels nutrition facts

Among nuts, pistachio kernels also have high levels of vitamin K (approximately 13.2 mg per 100 g and provide 16% of the daily requirement) Beyond its role in bone structure, consuming more vitamin k in the diet reduces the risk of several chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, because of

pistachio’s nutrition facts is consumption is recommended.

Due to the presence of various minerals, pistachios can have an affective role in regulating blood pressure or bone- related diseases. Pistachios also contain significant amounts of zinc and selenium. Both minerals are known to play a role in preventing cardiovascular disease and some cancers with known antioxidant effects.

Pistachios are good sources of plant protein, which makes up 20% of the total weight of pistachios and contains about 2% of arginine. This amino acid, found in other nuts, is a precursor to endogenous arteries in the cardiovascular system.

It is also involved in numerous pathological conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease neurological disorders due to its antioxidant capacity.

Pistachios provide 3 grams or 12% of the body’s daily requirement for fiber. According to the USDA’s nutrition facts, of all the nuts, only almonds contain the same amount of fiber and weigh 13% more than fiber, is pistachio.

 Pistachio kernels nutrition facts

Pistachio kernels nutritional info

According to the US department of agriculture, the following nutritional info is provided for 28 grams of pistachio kernels.

Calories, Fat, Sodium, Carbohydrates, Fiber, sugar.

One serving of pistachios or 49 pistachios seeds has a nutritional value of approximately 8 grams of carbohydrates and provides 12% of the body’s daily value. Like most nuts, pistachios have low glycemic index. It should be said that one serving of pistachios has 13 grams of fat. Pistachios can help reduce blood sugar after eating high carbohydrate foods such as white rice, bread and potatoes.

These little green nuts are packed with vitamins, minerals and herbs. In fact, you can see the nutrients in the different colors in pistachios.

The question may arise in your mind whether pistachios are different in terms of taste and nutritional value? The answer is yes, they are different, but how? In the world and even in Iran, there are many varieties of pistachios with different tastes that are different in terms of size, taste, value, food and compete with each other.

Different factors are involved in determining the different traits of pistachios and affect the quality and taste of pistachios. It should be noted that the reason for the delicious taste of pistachios that you consume is the amount and type of fat in pistachios. In fact, the taste of pistachios is determined by the amount of fat. Other effective factors are involved in the taste and nutritional value of pistachios, such as altitude, humidity, longitude.

Pistachio kernels nutritional info

Antioxidants are vital to your health, preventing cell damage and playing a key role in reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer. Pistachio has more antioxidants than other nuts and seeds.

Interestingly, the antioxidants in pistachios are widely available in the stomach. Therefore, they are more likely to be absorbed during digestion, Low in calories and high in protein.

While eating nuts has many health benefits, it is usually high in calories. Fortunately, pistachios are one of the lowest calorie nuts.

Pistachios are high in fiber and protein, both of which increase satiety and help you eat less.

Nutritional value pistachio kernels

Pistachio kernels is a nutritious and popular nut that due to its rich benefits and nutritional value has a special place among healthy snacks.

Pistachios are rich in various minerals and contrary to some people’s beliefs, the high fat content of these green nuts not only makes it an unhealthy food, but because of its unsaturated food, it is considered a heart-friendly food.

Nutritional value of pistachios kernels are as follows: raw pistachios (100 g) amount: Calories 562, Protein 20.3 g, Carbohydrates 27.5 g, 7.7 grams of sugar, Fiber 10.3 g, Fat 45.4 g.

How many calories in pistachio? As we mentioned pistachio has high nutritional value for human health and its benefits have direct effect on total body energy. Thus, each pistachio seed weighing about 0.7 grams contain 4 calories and each ounce of pistachio weighing 28.3 grams contains 159.3 calories, in addition: raw pistachio calories(100 g
): 562 calories of salted and roasted pistachios (100 g):564

Nutritional value pistachio kernels

Carbohydrates that are included in pistachio is 30 grams, which is approximately 49 pistachio seeds, contain 8 grams of carbohydrates.

How much fat is in pistachio? Until recently, pistachios and other nuts were considered high-fat foods, so many people were afraid to consume them, but in recent years, thanks to advances in medical science, the type of fat in the diet has been determined by amount it is more important.

30 grams of pistachios have 14 grams of total fat, of which 1.5 grams of saturated fats, 4 grams of monounsaturated fats and 7 grams of polyunsaturated fats.

Pistachio kernels benefits

Benefits of pistachio kernels is abundant. You’ve probably heard this sentence thousands of times, in addition to the benefits and properties of pistachios, the uses of this kernel are also many. From confectionary and cake baking, to the production of sanitary and oil extraction and the use of its extract to strengthen the skin and hair.

In traditional medicine, the following benefits have been listed for this product: due to its high iron content, therefore it is useful for anemia. This product is widely used to open the ducts of liver. It improves mind and brain and increase intelligence. It is excellent for heart and nerves relief. It cures cough and improves diarrhea. Increase cholesterol in pregnant and lactating women. This product in any form, has many benefits for children.

Among the benefits of pistachios for children, improves growth, strengthens bones and teeth, due to the presence of calcium in pistachio kernels eliminate anemia and improve iron deficiency. Brain growth and increase intelligence and memory, with the help of omega 3’s strengthen the immune system in children, thanks to vitamin B6.

Pistachio kernels benefits

It is advisable for people who has digestive problems to include pistachios preferably raw in their diet. It cures digestive disorders, but also improves the function and strengthens it.

Among the most important benefits of pistachios for gastrointestinal tract, we can mention the following:

Help digest food and improve stomach function

Controls stomach germs and increase beneficial bacteria

Reduce stomach pain

Healing stomach ulcers

About 25 grams of this nut, along with a carbohydrate diet, lowers blood sugar about 12%. Eating it as a snack can lower the fasting blood sugar of diabetics about 5%.

Are pistachio kernels good for you

To respond this question, pistachio kernels have many effects on health and they are good for human body. According to researches, people have been eating pistachios since 7000 BC.

Pistachio tree is one of the first flowering nut trees in the world that grows in large areas of Iran and central and western Asia. The high nutritional value and benefits of pistachios, made traders and travelers prefer it use along the way.

More on the benefits of pistachios; of course, they are numerous, we should mention the discussion of high antioxidants in these nuts. As you probably know, antioxidants are vital substances for maintaining healthy cells and protecting them from damage; therefore, they are effective in reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer.

Pistachio is one of the low-calorie nuts that can safely enjoy the health benefits of these nuts and they’re good for us and at the same time stay within the normal daily caloric intake.

Eating pistachios releases energy slowly that’s why it can be used as a great pre-workout snack. The protein in pistachios can also help muscles recover after exercise.

Are pistachio kernels good for you

In addition, pistachios contain vitamin E and antioxidants that can protect the body against a variety of cancers.

Pistachio helps to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Of course, the results of this hypothesis are in the early stages, and there is no evidence that eating pistachios can help reduce the risk of these diseases or treat their symptoms.

This is a nutritious and high-quality food that has many benefits for the health of the body, especially the heart, intestines and waist. Regular consumption of pistachios and its inclusion in the diet improves health and promotes well-being. But it is better to use simple pistachio kernels without salt and avoid eating more than one ounce per day.

Pistachio kernels health benefits

If you look at the history of many developed countries today, you will find that one of the main pillars of their strong economy is the agricultural sector. Meeting people’s nutritional needs is a very important issue in the world these days; Therefore, the competition for the export of agricultural and livestock goods has increased to the same extent thus, considering the pistachio’s health benefits it owns the good global market.

Pistachio kernels contain fiber. Studies have shown that consuming fiber may keep you full for longer and thus help you to lose weight. The lipids in pistachios are not completely absorbed by the body fat. Another study found that pistachios have many benefits on the health and those people who ate pistachios consumed fewer calories during the day. Pistachios can be eaten as a healthy snack for weight loss. Some of this functions are Improves intestinal health, may improve heart health, helps treat diabetes, is useful during pregnancy and lactation, fight inflammation, Improves visual health, improves cognitive function, improves sexual health, increases estrogen levels, delays premature aging.

Pistachio kernels health benefits

According to all above mentioned things, you can order the best type of pistachio and its items online or in person and receive it at the right time for the benefits and health of your body so, for personal or commercial use.

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